Make your IMC success today

Take a look at this Vans advertisement.

Do you think it would attract customers? Do you think it is successful? Well, I love it.

Every brand would want to do well and be successful, but how? One thing that they should take note would be to understand what in the world is IMC. To simply put it, integrated marketing communications are when business owners apply all relevant marketing tools together and ensure that it works in favor for the business.

Many people would assume marketing requires advertisements to be put up but what they don’t know is that “marketing” is actually more than that.

I’m sure you already know that times are changing are technology is evolving, its something you can’t deny. For marketing, it is the same.

New media is now involved with traditional media to reform the ways of how a marketer does his job from the past. With social media, marketing has evolved and has gone digital don’t you think? Like I said, many have not realized but if you think about its true. Take social media for example, like I’ve mentioned before in my previous post, these digital platforms have been able to attract new and even more customers than anyone could expect!

Brands are looking towards pulling than pushing and with the power of online ads and the data generated from social media platforms, the results can be crazy. You can even say that “going online” changed marketing forever. Convenience for consumers, money for marketers!

How to be successful using IMC?

Clear understanding of your target audience

Its obvious and basic for marketers to understand who are the core users or consumers of the product or service.

This understanding allows marketers to determine what actually are the needs and wants of the customers or even what motivates them. Marketers will only able to deliver and approach customers the right way by having this knowledge in their pocket.

Channel to use

Sure, there are many different channels that businesses to use for their campaigns. But is it efficient to use all? The answer is NO.

Lets take a look a American Express or AMEX for short.

Those guys really took action and proved it by taking advice and knowledge from experts on their online open forum. End result? Content rich website found on search engines from American Express but idea not from American Express. What do you think?


It will be pretty weird if various campaigns all bring about different messages to the customers.

Think about the Coca Cola campaign few years back in SG50. Basically what the company did was to have people hashtagging #ShareACoke. Wouldn’t it be really weird if suddenly halfway the company decided to change this message to #CokeTheBest ?

Consistent and clear content

IMCs will work best if the messages intended to deliver and the channels are all aligned and suit perfectly. If the messages don’t fit how you would marketers expect customers to understand right? For example, would a teenager prefer to see Harvey Norman promote their cooking pots or the latest sleek loud speaker on Instagram?

Ensure that messages are integrated

By integrating advertising and campaigns across multiple platforms, the reach towards the consumers are more effective than just a single platform alone. Traditional or new media themselves wouldn’t be as successful if they are only done separately.

Synced marketing teams and remember to track campaigns

Wouldn’t you agree that when teams are all on the same page and they understand each other, there would be higher chance of success? Well, I for sure can say that improves their productivity to come up with creative and innovative ideas! They could also help reduce whatever errors that could come across.

Failure in marketing campaigns is could happen to anyone but that does not mean its cannot be prevented. By continuously tracking the campaigns, owners or marketers can decide what could be done better and prevent mishaps that could happen along the way. Prevention is betters than cure, you have heard it before right?

In conclusion, IMC is sure to be present in EVERY marketing campaign. Whether it is done right or not it really depends on how marketers plan. Like I said, prevention is better than cure and no company would want to see their customers lose trust and faith in them.

19 thoughts on “Make your IMC success today

  1. Easy reading and interesting articles that i look forward to reading in addition to the IMC article. Was also able to gain extra knowledge on the topic and is extremely relevant in my case as im a marketing student too. LUV LUV LUV.


  2. Your articles are very interesting to read. As a marketing student myself, it really helped me to gain more insights on how to improve my IMC planning. Looking foward to more of your content!


  3. Really interesting content! Was able to gain more knowledge about IMC which i didnt know about it before. love the headings which allows me to focus on the main points easier too!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all the topics that you’ve addressed in your blogpost! Will definitely try to apply it in real life to be successful in my business! Looking forward to more post!


  5. The articles are made easy to read and understand! Amazing write-up! It give me additional insights about IMC!


  6. The articles gives good insights to IMC and Content is visually appealing and well structured. However more information would need to be provided for ease of understanding to those without marketing background!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Interesting read which summarizes IMC very well making it understandable and clear cut. Excellent use of images to emphasize on the points, capturing my attention and good indicators for each points helping me not lose focus. Overall a good thought process clearly laid out promoting better understanding.


  8. Great work! Very insightful and useful for me! Was easy to understand and well structured! Well done and good job!


  9. What an interesting and thought-provoking read ! Never would I have known the extensive thought process behind a marketing campaign we see in this modern era. Loving your work so far, looking forward to reading your new content !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel that not many people would notice that it is complicated to create and IMC! You being able to understand more about IMC makes me happier that I was able to enrich even such small things into your knowledge!


  10. You’ll need consistent messaging across your channels but customized to meet the needs of those channels is marketing 101 and this is really just a buzzword as.
    Where IMC may feel outdated is that all channels are now turning into digital tactics (i.e. digital video, display, search, social, etc) so while it’s not IMC in the original meaning of the word, you are using the same principles tactically now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I won’t deny that channels are turning towards digital tactics but personally I don’t agree either! I feel that both traditional and new media tactics should be used by marketers. Depending on the target audience, both methods have different reach, frequency and consumers to target! Anyway, thanks for reading my post and hope you like it!


  11. Really great read, I believe you’ll need consistent messaging across your channels but customized to meet the needs of those channels is marketing 101 and this is really just a buzzword if I will say.

    Where IMC may feel outdated is that all channels are now turning into digital tactics (i.e. digital video, display, search, social, etc) so while it’s not IMC in the original meaning of the word, you are using the same principles tactically now


  12. Truly insightful. I gained tonnes of information off this post, wish i had all these information with me way earlier though, would have made my assignments and what not way easier.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Wow, what an insightful blog entry! I am now blessed with the additional knowledge of integrated marketing communications and this knowledge will definitely help me when I intend to market my products in the future


  14. Your article is insightful and interesting to read!! Super glad i got to read this article while I’m still in school! I’m sure this article will be of use for my future assignments! Thank you so much!


  15. Interesting read! IMC is vital in delivering brand messages and inconsistency can put the entire business model to risk. Any recommendations for a MNC looking to better manage IMC when working across different regions? Looking forward to hear more from you, cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

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